Bacillary Dysentery Disease

What is the disease Bacillary Dysentery?Bacillary dysentery is an infection of the large intestine by bacteria Shigella, which only cause damage to the intestines and does not cause damage to other organs Network.

bacillary dysentery

Shigella dysenteriae or Shigefia Shigae, is the cause of most violent dysentery for forming endotoxin, often leading to severe epidemics in tropical and subtnopis.

Germs Shigella bacteria are rod-shaped Gram-negative slender, who at coccobacillus shaped bacteria culture bacteria colonies in a 24-hour incubation period, a light translucent colonies are convex, circular with a diameter of about 2 mm.

Sigelosis transmission, transmission of bacillary dysentery occurred because of poor cleanliness and hygiene, their feces patients who become a source of infection, and the presence of flies and insects as vectors transmitting these diseases. Transmission occurs from human patients to others, and the rare transmission of infection from diseased primates to humans.

Clinical symptoms of bacillary dysentery caused by an exotoxin produced by S.dysenteriae of endotoxins produced by other Shigella species. The incubation period lasts between 1 day - 1 week.

Patients with this disease experience sudden high fever accompanied by stomach upsets such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. A few hours later diarrhea that can reach 20-24 times in 24 hours. At first the little stool contains blood and mucus, and then only in the form of blood and mucus,
In severe infection (fulminant type) patients collapse followed by high fever, chills, vomiting, decreased body temperature, severe toxemia, and finally the patient died.

Patients with bacillary dysentery children and elderly people who experienced dehydration and acidosis may also died.
In mild infections, soft stools or normal form, not liquid, blood and mucus, similar symptoms amubiasis.

Sigelosis Diagnosis, Clinical symptoms that occur in different basilen disenteni with clinical symptoms amubiasis. Proctoscopy examination showed diffuse inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, swollen and covered with exudate. Looks shallow ulcers, irregular shapes and sizes covered purulent exudate.

Patient stool culture (and smear the rectum) selective culture medium For example MacConkey or EMB and Thiosulfate-citratbile to follow fermentation test and microscopic examination sigelosis diagnosis.

Serological probes by measuring the increase in antibody titer Shigelfa species can help determine the diagnosis sigelosis.
Treatment and prevention of bacillary dysentery, Sigelosis can be treated with various antibiotics, his eg tetracycline, ampicillin and trimethoprim kioramfenikol sulfametoksasol. Old drug delivery at least 5 days.

Patients should be isolated and disinfected patient excreta. Career sigelosis found should be treated with perfect so do not be a source of disease transmission.

Maintain the cleanliness of food and milk, always cook food and drink, make good excreta disposal systems, combat flies and other insects can prevent the transmission of infectious bacillary dysentery. Supervision of the cleanliness of the food processing industry is mainly done in a residential neighborhood / family must be carried out strictly by preventing the use of raw water to process food and beverages.

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