Germs cause of syphilis is shaped flamen Spírochaeta pallida is threaded a length of 6-14 microns with 6-12 small irregular whorls with the tip of a flamen always straight. Morphology germs easily seen with a microscope dark background (dark-field microscopy) or examination under a microscope using a silver staining.
Transmission of syphilis, syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is the longest known to man and is widespread throughout the world. Transmission generally occurs through sexual intercourse both heterosexual and homosexual. In addition Syphilis can also be transmitted from mothers with syphilis to her unborn baby in congenital transpiasental.
Diagnosis and clinical symptoms of syphilis is a disease incubation period lasts between 9-90 days, followed by the onset of clinical symptoms which consists of three stages.
The primary stage. Abnormalities were first raised or the primary lesion occurs in the genital organs such as ulcers hard. After that will occur lymphangitis, followed by hardening of the regional lymph nodes are not painful.
Secondary stage. At the secondary stage of clinical symptoms occur as follows: Skin disorders such as macular, papules and pustules, syphilis symptoms also occur on the palms of the hands and feet. Without the treatment of skin disorders will go away by itself, but it will come back 2-3 years later. Will also occur depigmented skin (leucoderma syphilitica). In addition to the mucosa of the mouth and throat formed a white plaque, condyloma lata occurs mainly on the genitals, itis tonsils, enlarged lymph nodes, the patient has symptoms of hair loss (alopecia specifica), hepatosplenomegaly, secondary anemia with lymphocytosis.
Tertiary stage. In stage three gumma arise in various organs. In addition, there aortitis that causes aneurysms and aortic insufficiency. Nervous system symptoms of syphilis can occur as a result of meningitis, tabes dorsalis and progressive paralysis.
Prenatal (connatal) syphilis. Prenatal syphilis in children whose mothers contracted syphilis as a result of the early symptoms are similar to syphilis lesions of secondary syphilis. Further on prenatal syphilis, occurs Triad Hutchinson consisting of interstitial keratitis, incisors defects and deafness.
Diagnosis of syphilis is syphilis diagnosis through laboratory tests, microscopic examination of liquids and lesion showed Treponema, Reaction Wasserman- Kahn and VDRL showed positive results, Treponema Immobilization Test and examination fluorescent treponemal antibody (Fluorescent treponemal antibodies, FTA), the result is positive, the examination Cerebrospinal fluid shows an overview lymphocytosis and protein content increased.
Treatment berbagal Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics, such as penicillin procaine long term, given at a dose of 600 mg intramuscularly. For primary sifihis given for 10-12 days, 14-15 days sifihis secondary and tertiary syphilis sifihis given treatment continued for 21 days, tetracycline given if the patient was allergic to penicillin, with a dose of 500 mg per day for 28 days, other drugs can be given include erythromycin and cephalosporins.
Syphilis prevention is to prevent the spread of syphilis, starting with a healthy lifestyle dab all patient and her partner should be treated thoroughly. Sexual hygiene, use of condoms and preventive therapy after sexual intercourse can not counteract the transmission of syphilis.
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