Lung Cancer : Symptoms and Causes

Lung cancer is cancer that grows and develops in the lungs, this happens due to the spread of cancer from other body parts or begins growing in his lungs.

lung cancer disease

On lung cancer, cancer cells grow without control and damage to lung cells or destroys the function of the lungs as the distribution of oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Causes of lung cancer usually occurs due to associated with unhealthy living patterns such as smoking are routinely and excessively, lung cancer can occur in active smokers as well as smokers are not active, but not always the smoker affected by cancer.

The other causes of lung cancer is air pollution such as motor vehicle pollution,  factory chimneys pollution or other harmful chemicals such as arsenic and silica.

The symptoms of lung cancer in the early stages are often not felt by the sufferer, however lung cancer symptoms such as cough and cough accompanied by a high frequency of blood began to occur, and breathing become tightness and pain in the chest unpredictable.

symptoms of lung cancer disease

Lung cancer symptoms are more like head pain sufferers, excessive fatigue, reduce of appetite and loss of weight, the symptoms of swelling or infection in the neck area up to the face, the voice becomes hoarse, sufferers were issued and fingers changing shape with the tip swells.

If early symptoms of lung cancer occurs or getting worse condition , check it with your doctor to get a diagnostic test to make sure the cancer disease and treatment actions done medically immediately.

Some kind of examination of lung cancer diagnosis such as using x-rays to get a detail of existing tumors in the lungs, or a CT Scan and PET-CT Scan. diagnostic examination of lung tissue cells and mucus phlegm output results.
lung cancer what you need to know

Lung cancer treatment is carried out in accordance with the level of the stadium, the treatment of sufferers of lung cancer surgical operation  and the appointment are done in order to keep the cancer cells spread, however not all patients do it because any cancer patients have different conditions, the operation is not always done depend on the patient’s condition.

Dissection of lung cancer surgery or appointment of lung cancer can be done in a small part in the lungs until one side full lungs, all done in accordance with the procedures in medicine.

lung cancer stage

Surgery or lung cancer surgery has the potential risk of complications is same with any other surgery, the complications of lung cancer surgery such as bleeding or blood clotting and inflammation in the lungs.
After surgery is usually to remove the remaining cancer cells do chemotherapy or radiotherapy to keep the development of cancer in the lungs.

Not only do chemotherapy after surgery for lung cancer but before the surgery is often done to reduce cancer cells, need to note that chemotherapy has negative effect such as the body limp, nausea and vomiting, and hair loss is not even to be left.

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