About Penile Cancer

What is penile cancer? Penile cancer is called carcinoma of the penis, penile tumors, penile carcinoma, penile malignancies, penile cancer is a disease attacks the herpes virus infection and human papilloma virus (HPV)

penil cancer

Penile Cancer Causes, Approximately 25-75% of men with penile cancer patients condition penis foreskin can not be pulled so over the head of the penis, resulting in pee hole closed. The solution is quite the circumcised.

In women whose sexual partner has cancer of the penis, then the prevalence of cervical cancer increased by 3-8 times compared with the normal sexual partner.

table : distributions of the cases of penil cancer

The role of viral infections continue to be studied. Both penile cancer and cervical cancer related to the presence of herpes virus infections and human papilloma virus (HPV). HPV types 16 and 18 have been found in one third of men who suffer from cancer of the penis.

Clinical symptoms of Penile Cancer, Patients come with skin lesions that are difficult to heal, a small growth on the skin, small spots on the skin surface, small spots like papules in the presence of pus in it, or the growth of warts.
Many men do not see a doctor until the cancer erodes the foreskin of the penis and become malodorous due to infection and death of body tissue.
Can also be found a mass, form ulcers or open sores, pus, or bleeding in the groin.
Pain rarely occur even when there has been a severe local tissue damage. Patients with penile cancer that has spread can complain weakness, fatigue, weight loss, sores in the skin of the penis is likely to bleed. If the noodles wound does not heal, then the patient went to the doctor.

Laboratory examination
1. There are no specific laboratory tests or signs of tumors in cancer of the penis.
2. The general examination, including complete blood count, chemistries with liver function tests, and assessment of the status of the heart, lungs, and kidneys, help to detect unforeseen problems.
3. Patients with a disease that can severely anemic, with white blood cells and levels of albumin in the blood dropped.
4. calcium levels in the blood rise seen in some patients.

Diagnostic procedures, the most important diagnostic test is the disposal and examination of body tissue to confirm the diagnosis.

Penile cancer treatment therapy to cope with the disorder and injuries that occur. Radiation therapy is given as an indication and physician preference, for example: the size of the cancer is still less than 3 cm, penile cancer patients refused surgery, or when the disease has spread came. Radiation therapy has shortcomings, namely the type of cancer squamous cell carcinomas tend to be immune.

Circumcision can be recommended before starting radiation therapy for cancer that attacks the foreskin of the penis.
There can be complications to radiation therapy. Usually seen in tumors that are larger in size and 4 cm. Can be: death of penile tissue, swelling, and pain in the penis.

If the infected penile cancer, the therapeutic effect can be reduced, while the risk of complications increases. Medicines given by the doctor will be adjusted to the condition of the patient.

Surgical therapy, standard therapy for primary cancer is local and partial cuts. In patients with small tumors confined to the foreskin of the penis, just by circumcision. Amputation most suitable if the cancer covering the glans and the base of the penis during erection. Surgical techniques can be used for patients with severe disease attack.

Laser Surgery, Laser Surgery is used in patients with benign and malignant wound is on the surface. This therapy has been applied to cases of one place and limited.

Prevention of penile cancer, circumcision was established as an effective deterrent to cancer of the penis. Keep in mind, penile cancer is found more frequently when circumcision delayed until puberty. Circumcision in adulthood little or no protection and penile cancer.

Early Detection, Some typical sign of tumor to detect the presence of penile cancer early is E-cadherin, MMP-2 and MMP-9.

As a note for this disease are:
1. The disease is rare penile cancer in men who have been circumcised, especially if circumcised in infancy.
2. Penile cancer tend to be experienced men aged 60-80 years. In young adults are not usually found. One study reported that 22% of patients aged less than 40 years, and only 7% were aged less than 30 years.
3. If cancer occurs in the head of the penis, called erythroplasia of Queyrat. If it occurs in a layer of skin on the penis called Bowen disease.
4. The mortality rate for patients with penile cancer reached 22.4%.
5. As many as 15-50% of patients with cancer of the penis delay to see a doctor for more than 1 year.

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