What is Asthma?

What is Asthma? Asthma is a disease hard to breathe because of the respiratory tract as an exit sign in the air crash, inflammation, and constriction.

asthma disease

The causes of asthma due to several factors such as genetic problems or descendants of parents, suffered lung infection either default still children and respiratory tract infections in the near future, the baby was born premature and conditions require special respiratory tract, and babies born with low weight.

The cause of asthma is due to allergies, food allergies and air condition is not good or dust, animal fur, pollen of flowers, pollen, cigarette smoke powder, smoke in motor vehicles and the weather.

asthmatic bronchiole

Asthmatics usually will have more shortness of breath when getting tired, too much exercise, stress, emotions increased, too many thoughts, for that patient's disease or asthma sufferers should always be in a State of rest and sufficient relax.

The symptoms of asthma sufferers typically experience the continuous cough and sought to exclude the phlegm in the respiratory tract, shortness of breath, pain in the chest, the sound creaking while breathing because the air exit sign in the respiratory tract are clogged. Asthma is not a disease and endangered but this should not be taken easy because when the patient's disease or asthma sufferers on relapse can be fatal as a result and lead to death if they do not get help as soon as possible.

causes and symptoms for asthma disease

Prevent asthma by means of avoid anything allergies cause asthma, healthy lifestyle, do not smoke, not much pressure and, mind not too work hard and vigorous exercise, live with a circulation of good air, and regular medical do a check to the doctor.

The treatment of asthma the suggestion, use doctor asthma commonly used is medicine breathe used a help ( an inhaler ), a remedy in asthma beclometasone, budesonide, omalizumab, aminofilin, tablets steroids, fluticasone, leukotriene receptor antagonist, a corticosteroid, mometasone, theophylline, and agois b2. Once again do not the use of asthma and seek guidance and doctor advice for the use of the obat-obatan with the appropriate, treatment side effects, drug and dosage of a drug.

Asthma treatment can also be performed by using a therapy on a regular basis according to the advice of expert therapy such as consuming a special food supplements, special therapy acupuncture therapy, respiratory therapy, Alexander therapy, traditional herbal medicine, and air ionizer.

Caring for sufferers with asthma patients or how to avoid the main cause and trigger the disease, prepare first-aid medicines the sufferer when getting attack, eliminate bad habits such as smoking and asthma patients drink hard, rest well don't often stay up, place the patient in a room with clean air, soothe and always given the motivation to follow the instructions of doctors so that asthma can heal faster.

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