Brain Tumor: Symptoms and Causes

What is it a brain tumor? Tumors growing disease in the brain, the tumor cells grow abnormally in the brain tissue.

Brain Tumor: Symptoms and Causes

Population The number of patients with brain tumors in: America: 16.5% in l00 thousand population per year. Japan: 9% to 100 thousand population per year. Sweden: 4% to 100 thousand population per year.
Indonesia: 200-220 cases per year. Each year, more than 17,000 brain tumors diagnosed in the United States.

Location growth of brain tumors in adults, 75% is located supratentorial brain tumors. In children, 75% of brain tumors located infratentorial.

Brain tumors can develop at any age, but most often in children aged 3-12 years, and in adults aged 55-65 years.

Comparison of Brain Tumors By Age
1. Astrocitoma
In adults by 10%.
In children by 45%.
2. Anaplastic astrocitoma or glioblastoma
In adults by 30%.
In children of 7%.
3. oligodendroglioma
In adults by 5%.
In children of <1%.
4. Ependymomas
In adults by 5%.
In children by 25%.
5. PNET's or embryonal
In adults is 4%.
In children by 25%.
6. Other tumors; metastasis, meningioma, schwanoma
In adults by 43%.
In children of 3%.

location of different types of brain tumors

Causes of brain tumors is not known clearly. However, there are several factors that affect, for example: Therapy suppressing the immune system increases the incidence of cancer system lymphatic vessels and tumor limforetikuler, benign tumors of the nerves associated with the elevation of the primary brain tumor in the optic nerve and the occurrence of tumors that develop slowly in the lining of the brain, observation Long-term after a thorough head radiation showed an increased incidence of brain tumors.

brain tumor removal

Clinical symptoms will arise as a result of the increase in pressure within the skull such as headache mainly arise morning and reduced the time of day, symptoms of nausea as the only increase in ICT in children is sometimes mistakenly interpreted as the problems of psychosis. Vomiting mainly arise in the morning. Vomiting spurt showed a tumor in the back of the skull cavity, Impairment of vision; blurred, suddenly can not see, Seizures present in approximately 30% of children with brain tumors. In adulthood, the seizures can mean a brain tumor is suspected, sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness, Impairment of consciousness can be varied between a reduction of attention, slowness, until a deep coma, and often accompanied by disturbances fungsivital.

Diagnosis is based on:
1. Structured interviews.
2. Physical examination and the nervous system.
3. Investigations, namely:
a. X-ray head.
b. CT scan (c) mputed tomography scan).
c. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).
d. Angiography (x-ray study of the blood vessels).
e. Examination of CSF (Cerebrospinal fluid).
f. Tumor markers.

1. Supportive therapy: administration of anticonvulsants and corticosteroids.
2. The definitive treatment: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy.

We Need to Know
Brain tumors are most commonly found in children is the type: Astrocitoma, medulloblastomas, Ependymomas

Brain tumors are most commonly found in adults are types: metastatic brain tumor, Glioblastoma multiforme, anaplastic astrocitoma, Meningioma

Patients with brain tumors in men more than in women with a chief complaint of pain in the head.

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