How is the spread of infectious diseases?

How is the spread of infectious diseases? Transmission of the disease parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi is influenced by three factors, namely the source of infection, ways of transmission of the parasite and the host sensitive or sensitive.

the spread of infection disease

The combination of these factors determine the spread and the high prevalence of parasites in an area at a particular time and place. Besides the natural adaptation of the parasite to humans as hosts, habits and relationships in the human population and the high durability of the individual human body, affecting the rapid occurrence of parasitic disease transmission.

Infection transmission chain

Contagious disease which infects patients in early infection is generally asymptomatic. After that there will be a clear clinical picture that in the course of the disease can then develop into acute and severe disease that causes the death of the patient. In patients with a high body resistance, disease will heal or will develop into a chronic disease or chronic symptoms or minor complaints. In this case even though the patient is still suffering from a particular disease-causing microorganisms, but have no symptoms or complaints (called the carrier), so this career is a potential source of transmission of infectious disease to other healthy people.

Career occurred between host and parasite because there is a balance in the life of each. Career example found in malaria transmission, amubiasis, filaniasis and diseases caused by viral or bacterial infection of the intestine.

The spread of disease-causing organisms and one individual patients to susceptible individuals may occur directly (direct contact) or through indirect transmission. In the indirect transmission, to be able to infect a susceptible host parasite must pass through the stages of developmental stages before they become infective stage.

Infective stage transmission can occur by direct contact or indirectly, with food, drink, soil, vertebrate animals and vector insects, or from mother to baby through the placenta during childbirth.

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