Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Preventions

What's dengue fever? Dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever is a viral disease that is widespread throughout the world, especially in the tropics. Sufferers are mainly children under the age of 15 years, but now many adults this viral disease. The main source of transmission is human and primates, being of vector is the Aedes mosquito.

Dengue virus, The virus that causes dengue fever is a virus dengue flavivirus genus which includes Arbovirus (Arthropod Borne Virus) group B virus virions have a size of 40 nm. Serologically there are four types of dengue virus, the dengue virus type 1, type 2, type 3 and type 4 virus can breed in a wide variety of tissue culture, eg mammalian cells BHK (Baby Hamster Kidney Cell) and arthropods cells, for example Aedes albopictus cell.

Transmission of dengue fever
Dengue fever is endemic in both urban (urban) and rural (rural). In urban areas the main transmitting vector is Aedes aegypti in urban areas whereas Aedes albopictus. But it often happens that both species of mosquitoes are found together in one area, for example in the areas that are semi-urban. Primates in the forests can act as a source of transmission of infection.

The clinical symptoms of dengue virus infection, The incubation period of dengue fever in humans lasts about 4-5 days. The early symptoms of dengue fever that lasts 1-5 days non-specific, such as mild fever, headache and malaise. Sudden fever occurs within 2-7 days down to normal temperature. Other clinical symptoms that can occur in the form of anorexia, back pain, bone and joint pain.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). Manifestations of dengue in the form of bleeding usually occurs on the second day of fever. Bleeding into the skin easily seen if the test tourniquet. Bleeding is also apt to occur at the time of the venipuncture. Of bleeding may be petechiae, purpura, epistaxis and sometimes bleeding gums, hematemesis and melena. Complaints of pain in the abdomen showed the occurrence of gastrointestinal bleeding and shock. At the onset of fever, the patient showed hepatomegaly is usually followed by the shock that occurs on days 3 since pain sufferers.

On examination of the patient's blood platelet blood picture shows a low (less than 100,000 per ml) hematocrit of more than 20% in the second examination, and Sahli hemoglobin levels over 20%.
Serology, for example, complement fixation test, agglutination inhibition test and neutralization assay support the establishment of a diagnosis of dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Isolation of dengue virus and the patient's blood is done by culturing in tissue culture, for example BHK cell culture.

Handling of dengue and DHF
There are no antiviral drugs to combat the dengue virus. DHF patients overcome bleeding and of shock, improved patient endurance, and symptomatic treatment given to relieve patient complaints.

Prevention of transmission of dengue virus
Eradicate the Aedes mosquito is the best way to prevent the spread of dengue virus. Eradication of adult mosquitoes and mosquito larvae must be done together with the eradication of mosquito breeding. Additionally repellen can be used to prevent mosquito bites.

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